Our Happy customers
Our client’s experience with our services and their healthy eco-friendly homes:

“Bridget designed our St Kilda West house. She was particularly responsive to the (very demanding) client brief. And she was able to manage numerous planning constraints. Such as heritage, setbacks and height limits. Most architects claim that they understand sustainable design. Bridget is one of very few architects who actually do. The house is exceptionally comfortable in all seasons, and economical to run.”
West St Kilda Home
“Visitors have remarked on the beautiful and functional design of the house ”
“Visitors have remarked on the beautiful and functional design of the house”
Carrajung, Semi-Berm Bushfire Home

“Only on the coldest consecutive winter day do I run the localized bar heater. At half the maximum heat, for a few hours, to maintain comfortable air temperatures.”
Libby and Dorothy
Livable Accessible Essendon Home

Petra said that she thought that her new home would be an “earth shelter home that looked like a bunker”. With her House Brief and the house siting. Petra took extra delight in seeing her home take form and shape. Without the look or feel of an underground shelter.
Bev and Petra
Semi-Berm Bushfire Carrajung Home

MaryJean and Shekhar had a very tight renovation budget. There were limits on what they could spend on their dilapidated Frankston South home. Near the end of their renovation, a neighbour said “You must have spent millions”. They only spent a small fraction of what their neighbour’s thought they had spent.
Brian and Mary Jean
Shekhar’s Economic Restoration Frankston South Home

Allergy Free Home in Warragul
“We had not built a new home before so we had much to look forward to. It was an exciting time and I was longing to begin the process. However, I also knew there would be many challenges. And I have severe, multiple, chemical allergies/intolerances.” Bev, Warragul Home
Find out how our residential design allowed her to live her home life without Chemical Allergies in her Home.

“So it seems a well-designed & well-built house does indeed provide good thermal performance. Without any further energy input than the sun, wind, & ceiling fans.”
Libby and Colin
Zero Energy Mirboo Home

“I have not suffered any allergic reaction since moving into my newly completed home.”
Bev and Ken
Allegy Free Warragul Home

“We have been very impressed with Bridget’s design – from her first draft to the final product. She has always listened carefully to our suggestions. Either amending drafts or providing a better alternative.”
Brian and Julie
Termite Resistant Cheltenham Home
How Brian and Julie Got Their Dream Home
“We had looked at many display homes and architect designed homes. But found nothing that interested us. Until we visited a home designed by Bridget Puszka (BP Architects) in Sunbury. We liked the fact that the house was not overly large, but the space was very well utilized” Brian, Cheltenham Home
Read how Brian and Julie found their residential architect and got the home of their dreams.
Send a Message or Schedule Your Free Consultation
At BP Architects we want to make your home better for you and your family. So that you too can have a home that you can be proud of and show off to your family and friends. A home that uses little electricity to run the household. Not to mention, a home that is comfortable all year round. Contact us now and find out how you too can have the home of your dreams.